24 research outputs found

    Tree—Open Grassland Structure and Composition Drive Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Holm Oak Meadows of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Iberian holm oak meadows are savannah-like ecosystems that result from traditional silvo-pastoral practices. However, such traditional uses are declining, driving changes in the typical tree—open grassland structure of these systems. Yet, there are no studies integrating the whole ecosystem—including the arboreal and the herbaceous layer—as drivers of greenhouse gas (GHG: CO2, CH4 and N2O) dynamics. Here, we aimed at integrating the influence of tree canopies and interactions among plant functional types (PFT: grasses, forbs, and legumes) of the herbaceous layer as GHG exchange drivers. For that purpose, we performed chamber-based GHG surveys in plots dominated by representative canopy types of Iberian holm oak meadows, including Quercus species and Pinus pinea stands, the last a common tree plantation replacing traditional stands, and unraveled GHG drivers through a diversity-interaction model approach. Our results show the tree–open grassland structure, especially drove CO2 and N2O fluxes, with higher emissions under the canopy than in the open grassland. Emissions under P. pinea canopies are higher than those under Quercus species. In addition, the inclusion of diversity and compositional terms of the herbaceous layer improve the explained variability, with legumes enhancing CO2 uptake and N2O emissions. Changes in the tree cover and tree species composition, in combination with changes in the structure and composition of the herbaceous layer, will imply deep changes in the GHG exchange of Iberian holm oak meadows. These results may provide some guidelines to perform better management strategies of this vast but vulnerable ecosystem.This work was funded by the Spanish Science Foundation FECYT-MINECO: BIOGEI (GL2013-49142-C2-1-R) and IMAGINE (CGL2017-85490-R) projects and supported by a FPI fellowship to Mercedes Ibañez (BES-2014-069243)

    Visible ozone-like injury, defoliation, and mortality in two Pinus uncinata stands in the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Spain)

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    Ozone concentrations in the Pyrenees have exceeded the thresholds for forest protection since 1994. We surveyed the severity of visible O₃ injuries, crown defoliation, and tree mortality of Pinus uncinata, the dominant species in subalpine forests in this mountain range, along two altitudinal and O₃ gradients in the central Catalan Pyrenees and analysed their relationships with the local environmental conditions. The severity of visible O₃ injuries increased with increasing mean annual [O₃] when summer water availability was high (summer precipitation/potential evapotranspiration above 0.96), whereas higher [O₃] did not produce more visible injuries during drier conditions. Mean crown defoliation and tree mortality ranged between 20.4-66.4 and 0.6-29.6 %, respectively, depending on the site. Both were positively correlated with the accumulated O₃ exposure during the last 5 years and with variables associated with soil-water availability, which favours greater O₃ uptake by increasing stomatal conductance. The results indicate that O₃ contributed to the crown defoliation and tree mortality, although further research is clearly warranted to determine the contributions of the multiple stress factors to crown defoliation and mortality in P. uncinata stands in the Catalan Pyrenees

    És la diversitat sembrada una eina de resistència enfront a les males herbes en cultius farratgers?

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    El creixement de males herbes és un problema habitual als camps de cultiu de plantes farratgeres. Tradicionalment, molts agricultors han utilitzat tot tipus d'estratègies basades en l'energia exògena per evitar la invasió d'espècies no desitjades als monocultius. No obstant, diversos estudis han demostrat que no és la tàctica més adequada per fer front a aquesta situació. A més a més, s'han realitzat diverses anàlisis per tal de determinar la resistència dels policultius davant la invasibilitat i, al mateix temps, augmentar la productivitat, obtenint resultats més satisfactoris als policultius.El crecimiento de malas hierbas es un problema habitual en los campos de cultivo de plantas forrajeras. Tradicionalmente, muchos agricultores han utilizado todo tipo de estrategias basadas en la energía exógena para evitar la invasión de especies no deseadas en los monocultivos. No obstante, diversos estudios han demostrado que no es la táctica más adecuada para hacer frente a esta situación. Además, se han realizado diversos análisis para determinar la resistencia de los policultivos a la invasibilidad y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios en dichos cultivos.Weed growth is a usual problem on fodder plant farmlands. Traditionally, many farmers have used all sorts of strategies based on exogenous energy to avoid the invasion of unwanted species in monoculture. However, several researches have proved that they are not the most appropriate tactics to tackle this situation. Moreover, various analyses have been carried out relating to the polyculture resistance to invasibility, and, at the same time, to increase the productivity getting satisfactory results on these crops

    Passeig ecofisiologic per l'espai i pel temps : l'estudi de les alteracions produides pels canvis climatics i atmosferics en l'estructura i el funcionament de les plantes i dels ecosistemes terrestres

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    En l'estudi de l'impacte del canvi global sobre les plantes i els ecosistemes és necessari estudiar com els gens, les plantes senceres, les espècies i les comunitats interaccionen amb l'ambient, tot duent a terme estudis ecofisiològics a diferents escales espacials i temporals, des de la molècula fins a l'ecosistema, i des de segons fins a segles. Presentem aquí alguns exemples de l'aplicació de l'ecofisiologia a les diferents escales espacials i temporals implicades en l'agenda del canvi global. Explorem alguns resultats recents que revelen la possibilitat d'estimar mitjançant teledetecció els processos fotosintètics a escala de fulla, coberta i ecosistema mitjançant l'índex de reflectància fotoquímic (PRI), un índex basat en un principi en canvis moleculars dels pigments del cicle de les xantofil·les, que pot acabar ajudant a estimar el balanç local, regional i global del carboni en el context del canvi climàtic. Pel que fa a l'aplicació de l'ecofisiologia a diferents escales temporals d'aquest canvi global, presentem alguns exemples d'estudis paleoecofisiològics (milers d'anys), històrics (segles), observacionals (últims anys i dècades), i simuladors (per a les properes dècades), en els quals abordem les interaccions entre les plantes i els diferents components del canvi global canvis en la concentració atmosfèrica de CO2, ozó, òxids de nitrogen, compostos orgànics volàtils, i altres gasos; canvis climàtics; eutrofització de la biosfera, disminució de l'ozó estratosfèric, canvis d'usos del sòl i pèrdua de biodiversitat). Els canvis biològics són sovint espectaculars. Exemples en tenim en l'avançada primavera biològica, els desplaçaments de la vegetació a les muntanyes, la progressiva eutrofització dels ecosistemes o l'augment de les emissions de compostos orgànics volàtils de les plantes, entre molts d'altres.In the study of human and global change impacts on plants and ecosystems, it is necessary to understand how genes, whole plants, species and communities interact with the environment. With this aim, current ecophysiological studies are conducted at different spatial and temporal scales, from molecule to ecosystem, and from seconds to centuries. We present here some examples of the application of ecophysiology at the different spatial and temporal scales involved in the Global Change agenda.We describe some recent results revealing the possibility of remote sensing estimation of photosynthetic processes at leaf, canopy and ecosystem levels by means of the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), an index based in the molecular changes of xanthophylls cycle pigments that can help to estimate local, regional, and global carbon budget. Regarding the application of ecophysiology at different temporal scales of the Global Change, we present some examples of paloeoecophysiological (thousands of years), historical (centuries), observational (last years and decades), and experimental and modelling (next decades) studies, where we approach the interactions between plants and the different components of the Global Change (changes in atmospheric concentration of CO2, ozone, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and other gases; climatic changes; biosphere eutrophication; stratospheric ozone decrease; land use changes; and biodiversity loss). Biological changes are often spectacular. Some examples are biological spring advancements, vegetation shifts in the mountains, ecosystems progressive eutrophication, or increases in the emissions of plants volatile organic compounds, among others